Your support for the Semperoper Dresden


We constantly receive requests from individuals wishing to support the Semperoper with a donation.

This is possible in two ways: You can support the general artistic work of the Semperoper by bank transfer or make an online donation to a specific project of your choice.

We would be delighted to receive your donation to help advance our artistic work. For this, please use the following account:

Recipient Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden
Name of bank Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden
IBAN DE38 8505 0300 3120 0640 75
Purpose of payment Semperoper donation

Should you require a printed receipt for donations of 200 euros or more (the bank transfer or deposit slip is sufficient for smaller sums), please contact our Development Office at +49 351 4911 645 or send an email to

We are truly grateful for your support and for caring so much about our work!

Current fundraising project

Semperoper Education

Spendenprojekt »Semperoper Education mobil«

Mit Ihrer Spende unterstützen Sie die Semperoper Education dabei, das Erlebnis Musiktheater in möglichst viele Kindergärten, KiTas und Grundschulen zu bringen, auch über Dresdens Stadtgrenzen hinaus.
