
Opening hours and contacts

Tick­et coun­ters you can find in the Schinkelwache/ The­ater­platz between Zwinger and Hofkirche. On this page you can find opening hours of the box office and contacts for ticket booking.

Contact & Opening Hours

Contact box office

Semperoper Dresden
Sales and Service
Theaterplatz 2
01067 Dresden
Phone +49 351 4911 705
Fax +49 351 4911 700

Opening hours box office

Mon to Fri 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sat 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. (from January to March 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.)
Sun and public holidays closed

The Visitor Service can only be reached by phone during the opening hours!

Group Service & Subscription Service

Group Service

Semperoper Dresden
Group Service
Theaterplatz 2
01067 Dresden

Mon to Fri 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. only by phone!
Sat, Sun and public holidays closed

Phone +49 351 4911 718
Fax +49 351 4911 700

Group Service

Subscription Service

Semperoper Dresden
Subscription Service
Theaterplatz 2
01067 Dresden

Mon to Fri 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sat, Sun and public holidays closed

Phone +49 351 4911 706
Fax +49 351 4911 700


Evening Box Office

Evening box office

The evening box office in the Semperoper opens 1 hour before the scheduled performance. For the premiere teasers, the box office opens 30 min before the scheduled performance. For sold-out performances at the Semperoper, standing room in the 4th tier is available at the box office, unless the seats are not in need for technical requirements in the respective production.

The evening box office in Semper Zwei and the Ballet Hall opens 30 minutes before the scheduled performance. If there is an introduction talk before the performance, the entrance to the auditorium of Semper Zwei is 10 minutes before the performance begins. For performances of the »Semper Bar« and the »A Window on Jazz« series, the box office in Semper Zwei opens 1 hour before the scheduled performance.